I hope you don't think all I plan to write about is garden updates. That would be very boring if I did. I decided to bump what I had planned for today since it is July 1st and I want to try out a new idea of giving a garden update once a month on or close to the first so I can see the progress of things all year long.
As you can see I need to do some weeding on this side of the garden. I got the other side caught up last week. I am planning to show you an easy way to keep weeds to a minimum later this week.
So here is what things look like this month.
This little guy was a fun thing to find. It looks like my cucumber vines have found one of my tomato cages and decided to go vertical.
I have heard of vertical gardening and wondered how well it really works with heavier produce such as cucumbers and squash. I will have to keep an eye on this plant and keep you updated.
If all goes well I am planning to add some vertical growing space next year. I saved my son's crib when he switched to a big boy bed last month. It looks like it might make a sturdy and eye catching thing for squash to grow on. Plus I get to keep the crib a bit longer. I really hated to see it go.
This is either a baby buttercup or table squash. I am not sure which one since they are planted next to each other and the vines have run into each other. It will be fun to see what it turns into.
I didn't take a picture of the jack-o-lantern pumpkins, but they are looking great. The kids are really hopeful they keep growing so they can harvest lots of pumpkins this fall.
The second set of pole beans I planted in the space left behind after pulling the pea vines are starting to come up.
These are the pole beans I planted in the spring in buckets with a teepee of bamboo poles. They are doing ok, but no sign of beans yet.
I love all the color in my yard. There seems to always be something new. Here is a sample of what has been coming up lately. Is this echinacea?
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