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Friday, June 26, 2015

The Garden Is Starting To Take Off

Today I thought I would give you a tour of our summer garden. I am pleased with how well things are looking. Hopefully within the next couple of months we will have lots of fresh produce to eat and preserve for winter. 

Above is a shot of most of the garden. The pea trellis on the left looks pretty sad right now with nothing growing on it. I planted some beans in their place this week. With any luck the trellis will soon be covered again with yummy beans. 

The turnips are looking great. To be honest I am not sure when I am supposed to harvest them. I need to read up on it. Hopefully I am not too late. I am really looking forward to learning how to use them. 

The pole beans are looking ok. They are a bit slower to grow then I expected. I placed 3 buckets with 3 bamboo poles to create a teepee to try and grow them on. This is an experiment to see how they do in a container to save space. I have 2 sets of these.

The picture on the right is of my small patch of beets. What the rabbits haven't eaten looks good. Again this is a crop I am not sure when to harvest. I pulled a couple to thin them and the beet root was so small it was not even worth eating.

The tomatoes haves started really coming in. 

I have 9 buckets of tomatoes and about 5 or 6 more in the ground. I am really hoping to have a bumper crop so I can make lots of tomato and spaghetti sauce to can. 

Zucchini flowers are so pretty.

The cantaloupe will hopefully keep growing. My boys LOVE melon. 

We have a huge amount of dill that came up on it's own. I never planted it so I am guessing the previous owner must have planted it.

I understand why it is called dill WEED. I have been fighting it all spring. It has literally taken over in several places. I can not tell you how much of it I have pulled out and there is still more. I decided to let some of it go ahead and grow to use for pickles later.

I think this is another shot of the turnips.

 It looks like we will have lots of cucumbers as well. I am looking forward to my favorite summer salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and onion. 

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