Homesteading has so many aspects. There is a lot of beauty in it and many victories. Unfortunately there is another side.
The good: Above is a picture of a win in my garden today. I finally have some zucchini and cucumbers coming in.
The bad: This poor little guy fell out of his nest. We didn't touch it in hopes that the mother may come back and take care of it. We debated killing it and putting it out of it's misery. It was a very hot day and you could see that it was dehydrated and possibly hurt.
Neither my husband or I could do it. We just could not bring ourselves to take it's life. This worried us because we realize that we will eventually have to take the life of an animal on our homestead if we are going to have dinner. This made us really think about our homesteading skills and how far we still have to go.
Hopefully we will be able to do it when the time comes. It just felt wrong to kill a baby animal. We have been checking on it daily and so far it looks like the mother is taking care of it. He has gained strength and every time we get near him the mother is right over our heads squawking away.
The Ugly: Some may find mushrooms to be beautiful and to a point they are. I am just not that into them. We had a ton of rain in May and had these funky mushrooms in both the front and back yard. I have never seen this kind before. They kind of looked like orange asparagus.
It is kind of hard to see in the picture on the right, but that is mold growing in the chicken pen. The water mixed with the chicken droppings and just sat there and turned into this disgusting white mold. Thankfully everything has dried out now and the mold and mushrooms are gone.
I truly do love homesteading and all that comes with it. I am looking forward to showing you more of the beauty of homesteading and the new skills we learn in it in the coming months.